The children were chatting in their room, with lot of laughing and giggling. They seem to be talking about one of their teachers in school. The narrator of the story was Bint the youngest of them. Bint was narrating a story about her teacher who she thinks “knows everything” including French. Their mum was trying to advise them concerning the issue. She says that their teacher whom they call mall am salihu was just trying to practice his small French thereby trying to perfect it”, and that they should give him a break. This discussion too place while they were waiting for their dad to come back from work.
The family consists of four children with their parent. Omar is the only male child, the rest are girls. Teemah the second child, follow by jamila and Bint the youngest of the four.
During their discussion, Omar pushed open the door and jumped on his mum. He was so happy; he was given admission to study law in Ahmadu Bello University. Everyone in the house rejoices with him but Teemah was there to tease him in a playful manner. It was stuffy inside, they have to go out to take fresh air and relax. Omar insists on getting zobo for everyone but Teemah was there again to tease him, before their mum decides to pay for it. Bint wants her mum to tell them a story before their dad returns in the evening. She thinks of which one the children would love to hear and she decides to use Omar’s admission to start a story.
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She decides to settle on her own story; when she got admission to school and how everything went. Her story goes thus, the people of Lafayette where happy that their daughter, Ummi, was going to the university. But her father wants her to get married while she studies in the university. But her husband, their father agrees that they should get married before she goes for her registration.
She talks about the care free attitude of the people in the university and most especially their dressing. In universities people dress as they want even when it is not appropriate, some dress half naked and also it difficult to figure out who is the lecturer and who is the students. But for her son Omar, who wants to study law, will have to dress as law students. The dress code of law students is white top, black trousers with tie for boys and for girls white top, black skirt and ditto.
As the story continues, she talks about her experience with a lady known as Salma Mohammed. Salma was fair in complexion, tall, slim and rather busty. Salma was chatting with someone she taught was a fresher of the school but he was a lecturer. Salma talked about how lecturers stay in their office during nothing, while the students wait the whole for them. She insisted what need was bribe and even compare them to policemen on the road.
Ummi also talk about her experienced with the HOD, Dr Samuel Johnson. After are registration, she went to the HOD office to request for her matriculation number. At first she was worried by the way Dr Samuel Johnson treated her. A lot of thought was going through her mind; she was thinking the young man had other intention as. Immediately the words of Salma run through her mind and she was thinking he would try to ask out or try something funny. Later that same day same day she discussed it with her husband. After illustrating everything to her husband, he just laughed and laughed, and finally told her Dr Samuel Johnson was his. It was clear to her that Dr Samuel Johnson was the man her husband met to assists her on her admission.
At the end of the narration everyone had questions to ask, but they were lost in their thought. After sometime, Omar asked about the story of the quite one. Everyone seemed eager to know about the story of the quite one.
She looks at the face of Omar and wants him to learn from the story she is about to share. Lafayette is a tiny community, that doesn’t indulge in crime activities. Everyone in the community knows each other very well. The community has a district head which they know as the hakimi.
In the case of the quite one, his parent was bona fide citizens of the community. The community knows them to be humble. They were married for years without having a child of their own. They were about to give up, when they decides to use the service of a boka, a traditional medicine man. The result was Talle; he was known to be the quite one because of his reticent nature while growing up.
Then one day, he was reported to the district head for buying more than want he usually buy at the grocery store. Talle has a pattern of buying stuffs in the market which the people selling them are aware. He now buys double of what he usually get before. It became a worry among the people, because he lives alone and earns not much from the driving job he does for a living. Being a community that everyone knows each other very where, they were surprise about the sudden change.
Later the truth was unveiled and people know what cause the sudden change. He was involved in the kidnapping of a businessman son. Tella was arrested by the police.
Salma walked into the office of Mr. Dabo the level coordinator to sign are forms. Mr. Dabo is a lecturer in the university, he is known for being strict with both the female and male counterpart. He is known for being punctual to lectures, and no students come after he enters the lecture room. Mr. Dabo was stunned by the beauty of Salma, and wanted to ask try is lucks on her. But he failed before he even said that. Salma was shocked by his move to try and woo her and the fact that he was a known by everyone to be strict and straight forward.
After she was done with her registration, she proceeds for accommodation in the school hostel. Her roommates are not want she wanted them to be. There were four girls in the room; tomiwa from the west, specifically from Ibadan, ngozi from umunze in imo state, ada from Benue state or middle belt and Salma herself from the north. They manage to get along as they share things in common and look after each other as sisters.
Salma and tomiwa were Muslims while ada and ngozi were Christians, but still there were never an issue between them. There was a time where there was issue of intimacy between them.
Salma was coming from home one evening; she couldn’t get a vehicle to convey are home. Suddenly a vehicle with two men in it showed up to give her a lift. At first, she didn’t want to enter, but she had no choice in the end. They finally arrived in the school compound in front of the hostel which is popularly known as queen amina hall.
Tomiwa phone rang in the evening; she was expecting it any way. She has never been on a blind date before. It was Salma plan any way; labaran the driver and habib the supposed politician were the one that pick Salma on her way to the university. Tomiwa was not feeling all too well with the idea, but she succumb any way.
She approaches the black Mercedes Benz and enters the front sit. Tomiwa was suspicious of the fact that labaran left the front sit to seat at the back. But instead she refuses to sit there and ask labaran to sit at the passenger sit in the front sit. While all these was going on habib knew there was a difference between the girl of yesterday and the one he met now. Habib move the car and drove close to a restaurant in the school compound. Labaran was told to get some provision from the restaurant; habib had to use that opportunity to discuss with tomiwa. It was from there she told him the truth. After the discussion, he gave her some money and the provisions labaran got from the school canteen. She went back to her hostel and the girls were happy but Salma was not happy at first but they did settle their differences.
All four girls are performing well academically; they focus on their academic and do not allow their relationship with men to interfere with their studies. These four friends stay together throughout their years in school and that made them the envy of all girls in school.
The children were beginning to enjoy the story and wanted to know how things will turn out for Salma. It was the last paper for their final year in school. Moral Philosophy has to do with things that we are taught by our parent including what they are being taught in the mosque and church. It was supposed to be a walked over subject. Salma didn’t really take the subject serious; she didn’t even attend that particular lecture on that subject. The exam was around the corner, everyone especially the final year students were looking forward to the last paper.
The exam papers were distributed to everyone, and the exam begins. Salma knew she was in trouble, she wouldn’t know what to write. She was surprise that every person in the hall were really busy writing one thing or the other. The guy next to her, kolawole Abdul is known to be the brightest. Salma used that opportunity to signal him, at first he hesitated. She used the student magic which is known to student when trying to communicate to one another during the exam.
The lecturer DR Amina notice Salma that she is not writing while everyone is, then she decides to go out with intention on coming in quickly. The lecturer was amaze as soon as she came into the exam hall. As at that time Salma has received a coded script from kola, and she begin to download what was written in it without her noticing the lecturer by her side. She was caught eventually and asked to sign a form also with other witnesses.
Salma was taking to the new HOD office for further assessment. She begged the lecturer but there is nothing she can do. When they got there, the new HOD has to make it known that there is nothing more he can do. He asked DR Amina to prepare the document for exam and ethics committee for further processing. So many thoughts were running through Salma mind. She could not believe this was happening to her. Final year for that matter, she knew she was in big trouble. She was later summoned by the committee and from there she implicated kola and that was how they were both expelled from the school.
She was summoned by the examination malpractice and ethics committee through a letter. She had to open up to one of her roommate, tomiwa. Tomiwa showed concerned and they device a plan on how to bend the rules.
Salma saw the need to involve honorable habib through labaran, so that he can speak some words to the committee chairman or the vice chairman or someone in a high position in the school. Salma was so desperate considering the fact that it her final year.
In the office Salma was waiting for honorable habib, while habib was attending to some stuff. Habib later join her on the sofa, he asked her what exactly he can do to help her. Salma was insisting on money to bribe the committee and they settle on three hundred thousand naira. Habib had other plans in mind; he wanted to take advantage of the situation to get close to her. After the whole arrangement, she was directed to the chairman of the committee who asked her if she was guilty. She said she is guilty but begged him to temper justice with mercy. He told her to meet him in a restaurant far away from the school, which she did. She declined sleeping with him, and ransomed are herself out. He settled on two hundred thousand naira to share among the committee. She asked him about his name, and he said Dr. Kabir. Mohammed.
Salma was called to defend herself, to her greatest surprise Dr. Kabir was not even among the committee. She knew she is doom and was from there she start opening up and even open up on the fact that kolawole Abdul gave her the answer slip, in her mind she knew she shouldn’t have mentioned his named right there. She was so vexed and said Dr. Kabir we pay for duping her.
Mohammed kabir was not even a medical doctor as some people thought he is. He was just an LT, a laboratory technologist, in the university. The doctor tittle attached to his name is just a nickname he abducted since secondary school.
Zaki was called upon to tracked kabir down and collect the money about three hundred thousand naira. He was eventually tracked down, and the money was collected from him after some beaten he received from zaki. Zaki returned the money to labaran; labaran gave him a share of fifty thousand naira. Labaran was thinking of returning the money to habib, but he rebuffed that idea and decides not to.
The children were beginning to enjoy the story, and waiting for how things we turn out for Salma and the others in the story. Omar have lot of questions to ask but waits for his mum to finish.
Salma came backed from a burial on the eightieth day; she has just lost her father. She was looking worn out and haggard. Her roommate tried showed their concerns and sympathized with her for her loss. Then, there was a conversation between ngozi and tomiwa; ngozi wanted to know why Muslim bury their dead immediately, tomiwa on the other hand try to make ngozi understand why. Ngozi still seems confused about the way they buried their dead.
Omar fine the story interesting based on how the girls relate with one another. Their mum was trying to explain the advantage and disadvantage of smartphones using Salma.
After Salma lost her father, she became a changed and serious person. Salim talked to her, that he wants to marry her. The courtship started right away. It was also notice Salma no longer chat for long hours with her phones. She told her of salim her fiancé who had a very nasty experience and that experience made her changed person.
Salim bought is first smartphone, it was a Samsung brand known as note series. Salim engage himself into one of the social media dating site. Salim has a friend called lawal, he asked him to follow him to visit one of his social media princess. She was not what he thought she is. He regretted engaging himself in the first place. Lawal advised him not to do it again, giving him some instances.
Salim had engaged himself before, this time it was Natasha who he visited. He had to thank God he escaped unhurt. Natasha was used as bait to lured salim, so they can take his car away from him. But he managed to escape. From that time on he didn’t indulge himself in any social media dating site again.
At the end of the story their mum turn to Omar and told him she had nothing against him using a smart phone, but advise him to be careful about the negative effect of its. And they all decides to wait for their dad outside and tell him the good news, which we make his dad ask him what he wants, and his request will be granted.
worthy young
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Ismail shasili
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Adeyemi isreal
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Zakariyya yahaya
•4 years ago
I with a help form you
•4 years ago
Thanks ma
•4 years ago
Thank so much ma
Rachael Valentine
•4 years ago
Thank you
Ani Henry
•4 years ago
Thank you DTW tutorials. God bless you.
•4 years ago
Pls ma how can one get th pdf format
•4 years ago
God bless DTW tutorials ,next time I comment I hope it will be with the good news of my result
•4 years ago
Me too
•4 years ago
Very helpful
•4 years ago
please ma how can i download question and answers for the novel
the life changer
Kio Abiobaragha
•4 years ago
God bless you, keep it up
Emmanuel Abraham
•4 years ago
Your are the best #dtw
•4 years ago
Thanks ma
•4 years ago
Thank you , you are the best
Joy Godwin
•4 years ago
I read ur book ma and I love it thank u and I learnt a lot from the book”Life changer”
Daniel Eunice
•4 years ago
Thanks very much it’s very educating
•4 years ago
Such an interesting story.thank you ma
•4 years ago
Your Comment such an interesting story.thank you ma
•4 years ago
•4 years ago
I really appreciated how the summary is, thank you for that , may Almighty God reward you abundantly.
Chinedu joseph
•4 years ago
Thanks maa
•4 years ago
God bless you maam
it is indeed super awesome
•4 years ago
God bless you maam
it is indeed super awesome
Hassan Nuhu
•4 years ago
Wow! Great job, God bless you ma’am
Edolor Gideon
•4 years ago
Thanks for this.
Chinaza Miracle
•4 years ago
Thanks for this
Augusta omorogbe
•3 years ago
Thank you ma I really enjoyed reading the story ma God bless you
Ayomide Amos
•3 years ago
God Bless you ma’am
sherif oguntad
•3 years ago
God bless you ma’a
•3 years ago
God bless u ma
Sunday morenikeji
•2 years ago
Thank you ma
Is seems simpler more than I thought
Yusuf Matthew Iliya
•11 months ago
Thank you so much ma
•11 months ago
Now I know what the book is all about. Thank you ma